The Story
Where did Garetii come from?
When I was thinking about what name to use for my company, I wanted to come up with something unique. Something original. Something that sounds exotic, but that also has meaning.
After throwing around a few ideas only to discover that the domain names were already taken, I started writing out the values that I wanted to guide me and my company: God (keep God the #1 priority and work as if I’m working for Him), family (keep my family #2 and encourage a healthy work-life balance), service (provide superior service to my clients – in quality, timeliness, and value), love (be considerate of others – treat them as I would want to be treated), beauty (create work that is beautiful, making the world around me a more beautiful place), creativity (continually learn, take time to think, and use my imagination to come up with unique and strategic designs that really help clients achieve their goals), and integrity (always be honest and above reproach).
As I was organizing this list of seven values, I decided to experiment with forming a business name as an acrostic from those values. Though a typical acrostic didn’t quite work for me, I ended up using a sort of “hybrid” acrostic, taking the first letter from the first core value, the second letter from the second core value, and so on through all seven values. And thus, the name Garetii was born.